Perlego Book of the Month: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Finding the right book to read can be challenging, and so here at UNYP we have collaborated with the online library Perlego to present the Book of the Month. For this month, we have chosen The Alchemist by Portuguese novelist Paulo Coelho. We are aware of the fact that everyone has different preferences and book tastes; however, […]

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Pět knih, které stojí za přečtení

Jak jednou řekla J. K. Rowlingová: „Pokud vás nebaví číst, nenašli jste správnou knihu“. Neexistuje nic jako „dobrá“ nebo „špatná“ kniha – stejně jako v případě hudby máme na knihy každý svůj vkus. Je důležité najít knihu, která vás zaujme a při čtení vás potěší. Najít tu správnou knihu může být náročné, proto jsme pro vás […]

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Být či nebýt? Zajímavá fakta o Shakespearovi

William Shakespeare je jedním z nejuznávanějších dramatiků, kteří kdy existovali. Stejně jako jeho hrami a poezií je Shakespeare také známý mnoha záhadami kolem jeho života. Shakespeare je považován za jednoho z největších spisovatelů v historii anglické literatury, ačkoli o jeho životě je známo jen velmi málo informací a dokonce ani jeho životopisci si nejsou jistí […]

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Perlego book of the month: The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith

If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, a respected economist or even an influential politician, The Wealth of Nations should provide you with a basic understanding of political and economic issues. The Wealth of Nations was written by the Scottish philosopher and economist Alan Smith and chiefly discusses Political Economy, which includes the relationships […]

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Perlego Book of the month: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

It has been a few weeks since the end of the UNYP fall semester, and most of our students are now using Perlego for their studies. Many of them also choose to use the website to read for pleasure, which is an excellent way to relax during the long winter break evenings. Even if you are […]

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UNYP’s first semester with Perlego

Once again, we find ourselves wrapping up the Fall semester here at UNYP. Although 2020 has been a challenging year, it has pushed us to become more open to innovations and technologies that facilitate the education process and help students persist with their studies. One of these was our Perlego subscription, which significantly helped UNYP […]

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Perlego Book of the Month: The Ongoing Moment by Geoff Dyer

As we finish the month of December and reflect upon the events of this challenging year, we thought this book would be an excellent pick for our Perlego Book of the Month feature; not only for its quiet meditative tone and philosophical nature but also because some of the photographs discussed by Geoff Dyer were taken during the Great Depression and the Second World War, in times […]

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Perlego Book of the Month: The Terrifying Tales by Edgar Allan Poe

October was the month of terrifying Halloween pranks and spooky stories – and scariest of all, the dreaded midterms! With this theme in mind, we chose a book by the “father of horror” himself for our Perlego book of the month – The Terrifying Tales of Edgar Allan Poe. This volume includes many of the scary stories that you might have been too stubborn to read in high school English, including The Tell-Tale […]

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Perlego Book of the Month: The Women of Troy

It has now been a month since the start of the fall semester at the University of New York in Prague. As most of our students have been using Perlego to acquire textbooks for their classes, many have forgotten that you can also use the website to find a book to read for pleasure, sit with a cup […]

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How can Perlego help us get through this semester of uncertainty?

In the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic – with its significant economic and public health effects, global instability and border closures – the management and faculty of the University of New York in Prague are preparing to face the enormous challenges and uncertainty that the Fall 2020 semester will bring. It isparticularly challenging to forecast the progress of the virus; we need to monitor the situation and be ready for […]

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