Career opportunities after studying psychology

Studying psychology at the University of New York in Prague will help you understand other people and their emotions, but above all, it will help you understand yourself, and your actions and reactions in particular environments.

Understanding and learning about interpersonal connections and relationships can help you improve your own behavior with people – and therefore your social life overall. A science-based education in human psychology can even improve your networking skills! Once you understand how people communicate and interact, you can create stronger, more valuable connections with them.

However, there is so much more to psychology, whether you study it at the undergraduate or graduate level. UNYP’s Bachelor of Psychology program offers the unique opportunity to receive a dual degree – an American degree from the State University of New York, Empire State College and a European degree from UNYP, accredited in both countries. In addition to the undergraduate psychology program, UNYP has launched its own Master’s program in psychology accredited by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. Our UNYP graduates are more than welcome to continue their studies at UNYP.

A wide range of career opportunities awaits UNYP students who successfully complete a psychology degree. Although the following list seems quite long, it is just a small sample of the possible career options which lie ahead of our graduates.

  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Counseling Psychologist
  • Psychiatrist
  • Developmental Psychologist
  • School Counselor
  • Educational Psychologist (Science of Teaching & Learning)
  • Health Psychologist
  • Rehabilitation Psychologist
  • Geriatric Psychologist
  • Sports & Performance Psychologist
  • Cognitive Psychologist
  • Neuroscientist
  • University Researcher and Professor
  • Social Psychologist
  • Industrial & Organizational Psychologist
  • Human Factors & Engineering Psychologist 

The psychology program at the University of New York in Prague offers a range of compulsory and elective courses which will help you to define your fields of interest and prepare for your eventual career. These include Psychology of Infancy and Childhood, Psychology of Adolescence and Adulthood, Psychology of Adjustment, Social Psychology, Biological Psychology, Cognition, Health Psychology, History and Systems of Psychology, and Educational Psychology.

If you are considering a career within the field of psychology, UNYP is more than qualified to support you on your way. Our Career Office offers many internship opportunities which will define and strengthen potential career paths.

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